Find a Trainee Role in Golf

The fairway to your future starts here
To start the Foundation Degree Course or Diploma in Higher Education, you need to have secured employment at a golf facility.
Training vacancies are open to both trainees currently on one of our training programmes, as well as training applicants who are looking to start a PGA training programme. You should always confirm the employer is a PGA Member and that they can offer you the required number of hours and support to fulfil the requirements of the Contract Declaration Form.
If there are no suitable opportunities listed below, you may wish to place a free Job Seeker listing in The PGA Members Area which helps to match you with potential employers in your area. Just complete our Trainee job seekers information request form to place a short profile on the PGA job seekers section of the website.
If you need support, please contact recruitment@pga.org.uk.
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Danny Spillane, Manager at Rothley Park, and Coombe Hill’s Head Professional, Mark Lawrence on all you need to know about becoming a PGA Trainee.
What qualities do you look for when recruiting a PGA Trainee?
DS: Good interpersonal skills, golfing ability, a passion for the game, trustworthy and reliable.
ML: Enthusiastic, polite, personable, smart, likeable and confident.
What recruitment process do you go through?
DS: Word of mouth and then an interview. This sometimes involves playing golf.
ML: An advert, interview and final interview. Plus a few holes of golf.
Apart from financial, what do you offer as part of a trainee’s package?
DS: Plenty of opportunity to play and teach, an allowance on clothing and equipment, a pension scheme, free use of the course and associated facilities, balls and use of technical equipment for teaching.
ML: Full use of the facilities, staff lunch and beverages, a flexible work rota and discounted equipment.
What extra training do you provide?
DS: We make sure all staff are trained first aiders and work with an outside contractor to provide H&S training relevant to the workplace.
ML: Shadow coaching and product training with our suppliers.
What experiences do you provide a PGA Trainee that will stand them in good stead for Membership?
DS: Staff are fully immersed in all areas of the business. Hopefully, by having a sounds structure, it will help them develop an all-around understanding of the profession.
ML: I try to show my PGA Trainees all aspects of being a club Professional; coaching, club repairs, competition, administration and building relationships with members and visitors. I try to give as much insight as possible to help educate on the pros and cons of running a business.
What appraisal system do you use with your PGA Trainees?
DS: Informal appraisals are carried out on a regular basis. Annually, the staff are asked to complete a more formal appraisal, this is then discussed, and objectives and improvements are set for the next 12 months. This helps as a benchmark for the following year and when we have the the regular informal appraisals.
ML: One-to-one appraisals every six months in a relaxed environment. Focussing on strengths and, when needed, areas which need to improve.
Are you still in touch with your previous trainees?
DS: I keep in touch with all my previous employees. Sometimes they’ll ask for advice and sometimes I may need something from them.
ML: I’ve had 7 PGA Trainees who have all gone on to be successful in the golf industry, or outside of golf. I’ve kept in touch with most of them.